Hello, My Name is…TV Titles

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

True, Will, very true, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't pass it over because of the name. would you drop over $5 for a fancy coffee at Cargo House (aka Starbucks)?

Today we look at Titles. Every writer knows how difficult it is to come up with a name for your script. Sometimes talking it out helps, so that’s what we are doing. Talking all about Titles of TV shows and thoughts about what works, what doesn't work, and crafting that perfect one that sparks the interest of a reader or a viewer.

Keep in touch with us during our break for updates on upcoming shows! Also, let us know what shows, writing topics, or other TV topics you'd like to hear about. We are here to talk all about your cult-like love of television.

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The TV Sect Podcast: Pumpkin Spice Edition


Food on TV